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Literasi Regulasi Kota Bogor Hadapi Covid19

Status : Dipinjam

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Peraturan Komisi Persaingan Usaha Nomor 7 Tahun 2009 Pedoman Pasal 26 Tentang Pedoman Jabatan Rangkap

Status : Tersedia

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Peraturan Komisi Persaingan Usaha Nomor 11 Tahun 2010 Tentang Konsultasi Penggabungan, Peleburan Badan Usaha dan Pengambilalihan Saham Perusahaan

Status : Tersedia

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Correlation of Factors Causing the Deathof COVID-19 Patients and Enforcementof Regulations in Handling COVID-19in the City of Bogor

Status : Tersedia

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Minima nulla dolorum

Status : Dipinjam

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The Effect of the District Court Judge's Verdict in the Sambo CS Case on the Level of Public Trust in the Criminal Justice System in Indonesia

Status : Tersedia

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Correlation of Membership in Certain Types of Islamic Mass Organizations on the Tendency to Vote for One of the Presidential Candidates in the 2024 Presidential Election

Status : Tersedia

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